






1.Leader Ye:LOL,little boys!I'm hehe you,know?

[对面:Ah?Thank you?What does 'hehe' mean?




2.Wenzhou Yu:^ ^Nice t(余下来不及打)

[对面:Oh,sorry but what did you say?


3.Shaotian Huang:Look at meeeeeeeeeee!Look look look loooooook at my sword!Sword sword sword sword!I don't know what to say now!!But I'll never shut up!wotama daodizaishuoshenme!duizhangwobuhuiyingyu!kanwode wenzipao!!!mayaduizhang!!!!!wolaileduizhang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will keep talking,I will sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and never stopppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!

[对面:Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I can't see him!!!!!The 'P's are on his foot!!!!(剑圣式文字泡重出江湖,看来很快国际联盟也要修改规则了。)


4.Jiale Zhang:You all eat my shoulei!Be Blind or Die!!!

[对面:WTF?!!!!!!!!!!where are you!!!!!!!!!


5.Mucheng Su:Hello GAYs:)?

[对面:Hi,but who are gays?I'm not.

Don't lie!Are you sure?

Go away!You gay!



6.Rui Fang:Too young too simple!!!!!!!Little boys go back and yingyingying!Nǐ mén tài nèn lè!Húi jiā wán ní bā qù bā!

[对面:What is 'yingyingyingying'?!Is he speaking French?!!!!!!!!!!!(果然还是太嫩了。)


7.Zekai Zhou:Hi,xiaojiang.(公然秀恩爱吗枪王大大。)(方锐表示自己太蠢了为什么没想到呢。)

[对面:Is he talking to us?!Who is xiaojiang?!!?!!!(没有哦。)


8.Yunxiu Chu:Come on,wo zhihuizheyiju.

[对面:OK.But what do you mean?


9.Shiqin Xiao:Hmmmmmmmm...Hi boys,nice to meet you.(说完了喻队要说的话呢。)

[对面:Oh there is a normal man!(很感动吧,辛苦你们了。)


10.Xinjie Zhang:It's 9:00 pm,be quick.

[对面:Why?!We won't be cheated!Calm down!


11.Jiexi Wang:See what is magic.

[对面:OK,we will win anyhow.


12.Xiang Sun:Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasinixiaoyang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[对面:A boy who is not able to speak English!!!!!!!!!!Nooooooooo!!!!Why don't they stop talking!!!!!!!!!!!


13.Hao Tang:Hello!!!!!!!WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(好像只会这两个词呢。)



14.Xuan Li:Wo shuo shenme haone?

[对面:Don't care!(给李轩大大点蜡。)




